Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Prototype's BUG ? (PS3)

Did you just pick up the PS3 version of Prototype only to discover you
can't, um, play it? You are not alone! If your PS3 tells you that you don't
have enough hard disk space for the installation -- and you know that it's
LYING to you -- then you'll have to use this workaround, provided by
Activision support: change the amount of free hard disk space on your system
by 700MB. This can be done by either installing another PS3 game (like
Infamous), downloading game demos (like the Infamous demo), or downloading
and removing videos from the hard drive (like videos of Infamous).

The Activision support site notes the team is working on a better solution:
"We take this issue very seriously and are working to resolve this issue as
soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." We're
sure PS3 owners will patiently wait for a patch.